Archive for December 2, 2008

Serving the cause of life and those in need

December 2, 2008

Many years ago, while I was a seminarian at the Pontifical North American College in Rome, I met Chris Bell.  At the time, he, too, was studying at the Angelicum, having been sent by Fr Ritter from Covenant House in New York City.  Later, with the help of Fr Benedict Groeschel, Chris started a home for unwed mothers in the New York area. They have expanded over the years as the need continues to grow.  Chris is not a priest — he is layman of the Catholic Church.  What a manly thing to do!  These Good Counsel Homes are a way of protecting innocent life and assisting women who are in great need. (Good Counsel, PO Box 6068, Hoboken, NJ 07030-7202)